REST Journal on Emerging trends in Modelling and Manufacturing, ISSN No: 2455-4537
Volume 10 Issue 1, 2024
1. Comparison of Vibration Assisted Single Point and Two-Point Incremental Forming of Sheet Metal Page No: 1-9 Author: Manoj J Thokale; A. Haldar; Neeraj Kumar DOI: 2. Development of Fire Resistant Composite Material Using Fire Retardant Filler for Electrical Application Page No: 10-19 Author: Manoj P Pathade; Neeraj Kumar DOI: 3. Comparative Study of Friction Stir, Stud and Seam Welding of Aluminium Alloys Using Different Grades Page No: 20-28 Author: K. Amarnath, R. Pooja, Riyaz Ahamed Mustaffa, R.Vigneshwaran, S.Yogesh DOI: 4. Non-conventional Manufacturing using the EDAS Method Page No: 29-38 Author: Prabakaran Nanjundan, M. Ramachandran, Ramya sharma, Chinnasami Sivaji DOI: 5. Water footprint of a tropical beef cattle production system impact of individual animal and forage management using the WSM method. Page No: 39-46 Author: Vidhya Prasanth, Chinnasami Sivaji, M. Ramachandran, Ramya sharma DOI: