2(2), June 2023:74-78. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46632/jdaai/2/2/9
Ramji Rajbhar, C. Kalpana
Image classification and recognition are critical components of computer vision, allowing machines to analyse and comprehend visual data. These capabilities have numerous applications in various fields, including healthcare, security, transportation, and entertainment. Recent advances in deep learning techniques have significantly improved the accuracy and efficiency of image classification and recognition. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in this field, reviewing the latest research and methodologies used for image classification and recognition. Our analysis reveals that deep learning models, particularly convolution neural networks (CNNs), have proven highly effective for this task, achieving impressive results on large-scale datasets. However, challenges remain in improving the robustness of these models and addressing issues such as bias and lack of diversity in training data.
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Ramji Rajbhar, C. Kalpana, “Image Classification and Recognition”, REST Journal on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, 2(2), June 2023:74-78.