1(2), (2022):8-13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46632/jmc/A/B/B
Malarvizhi Mani
Facade Materials in Blast-Resistant Buildings in GRA (Gray-related analysis). Once you’ve escaped the blast, you’ll want as dense a material as possible between you and the radiation—concrete, bricks, lead, or even books. Fallout shelters are your next safest bet, as they offer the highest level of protection from this debris. The term Home Originally from the Italian word “fasciata” comes from and the exterior of a building or as all external faces is defined. This word is often the prime of a or used to denote the front face house. Alternative: Debris removal capability, Implementation costs, Maintenance costs and Reconstruction capability. Evaluation Option: Brick facade, Stone facade, Composite facade, Curtain wall. From the result it is seen that Stone facade and is got the first rank whereas is the Curtain wall got is having the lowest rank. The value of the dataset for Facade Materials in Blast-Resistant Buildings in GRA (Gray-related analysis) shows that it results in Stone facade and top ranking
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Malarvizhi Mani, “Numerical Study of Blast-resistant Façade Materials Using GRA Method”, Journal on Materials and its Characterization, 1(2), (2022):8-13.